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Old Handicraft

23 Jul. - 10 Sep. 2024 from 19:00 o'clock More dates
Altes Handwerk 1 Altes Handwerk 1
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The event at a glance

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For one evening, Kappl is all about old Tyrolean crafts.
Highlights: Bread baking, preparation of traditional dishes, presentation of rural crafts, sale of alpine cheese from local mountain huts.
Homemade farmhouse bread is of course also available.

The Old Handicraft at a glance
  • When: Tuesday, 23 July | 30 July | 6 August | 13 August | 10 September
  • Where: Kappl village square
  • Music: various music groups
  • Moderation: Gottlieb Sailer
  • Admission free

Food & drink will be provided.
The Jungbauernschaft/ Landjugend Kappl is looking forward to a lively participation.

In case of bad weather, the event will take place in the community hall.

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