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12. Winterwanderweg Mutta Ischgl

Category: Winter hiking trail
Start: Ischgl Silvretta cabel car
Destination: Ischgl Silvretta cabel car
1:30 h
267 / 31 hm
Difference in Altitude
1597 m
highest point
6 km
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Easy winter hiking trail up the Mutta
The winter hiking trail up to the Mutta leads from Ischgl village centre through forests covered in deep snow uphill in switchbacks. From up here you have wonderful views across all of Ischgl and can observe the lively goings-on at a distance.

The wide path winds uphill for 2,5 km, rewarding those getting to the top with great views. From the Silvretta cable car, walk past the parking lot and after crossing the bridge follow the signs for Mutta. On the way back, the route can be extended a bit and some sunshine caught by not walking back in direction of the parking lot again after Jungmann Inn, but taking the turn-off before and hiking to the hamlet of Paznaun. A few benches beckon to put in a rest, offering fine views of Ischgl town centre. From the hamlet of Paznaun, it‘s back to the village again.
The autoroute (A12 (westbound) or A14 (eastbound)) leads you to the Arlbergschnellstraße (S 16). At the exit for Pians, turn onto the Paznauntalstraße (B 188) and follow its course into the Paznaun.
Ischgl Silvretta parking lot
Public transport
With the railway station in Landeck, the Paznaun is optimally connected to the Austrian train network. From Landeck-Zams station, only a short bus ride separates you from the Paznaun. Every half hour, line bus 260 runs from there through the valley. Bus stop: Silvrettabahn
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